Archive for June 6, 2009


I’d like to start this blog by telling my first experience in the impacted tooth removal. Well, thought lots of people usually say that they underwent a real nightmare after the extraction and I won’t deny it, I will tell the positive sides I learned from it instead. ^^

First, I discovered a variety of great menu I can have without or with little attempt of chewing ^^, in addition to milk or congee that you may think about, there are soup, tom yam, drinking yogurt, mousse, pudding, ice-cream and so many things which can cheer you up, at least rather than eating the same thing every meal.

Second, it corrected my myth about the impacted teeth. Having heard so many of my friends had an ache at the last teeth. They just waited until the toothache gradually disappeared and never got a treatment. This can contribute very bad effects. The dentist told me that an impacted tooth can push the adjacent tooth which can decay or be misaligned as a result. Moreover, keeping impacted teeth can cause bad breath, headache, or difficulty in opening the mouth and removing impacted teeth after the age of 30 is complicated and harmful to the bone. -“-

So, like we always hear, every situation in our lives have both positive and negative aspects, depending on what we think about it. ^^

By the way, if you are wondering why I write my blog in English, I just think classes of language in Thai sometimes make my writings kind of awkward ^^’ So, comments about content or language use are willingly accepted.

June 6, 2009 at 5:48 pm 1 comment


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